Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Choices, and more choices

What was fate and what was my choice? I will probably never really know the answer to that. But I do believe this: my choices and the lunacy of some of these choices are a direct result of my childhood. If I had proper counseling in my formative years, had a loving relationship with my father, and the acceptance of my paternal family, I wouldn't be at this crossroads right now.

My God! It takes 2 weeks for my mail to reach me and when I am here, I am caged up like I am extremely dangerous. I have been coined a "violent criminal", and yet, I don't have any convictions for violent activities. I get so angry that it isn't healthy, but then reality creeps in: whatever prompted me to do the things that got me here, were my...choice. And, there isn't any such thing as rehabilitation in the criminal justice system anymore, so locking me up and condemning me to the "hole" for my incarceration, just sets me back even more.

All I crave now is to enjoy life, love, wealth and respect. And when I leave this time, I plan on making the "right" choices so that all of this comes to fruition. So, I "Thank God" for second chances, my lovely wife-to-be, as well as my loving family and friends.



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