Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Stressed out

Well, as usual, I have been stressing about a host of different issues. I've been railing on my fiancee, Julie, because of some of the things that she has recently done. I have my addiction issues and she has hers. She likes to spend money, and I am stressing because she came into some money, and in my opinion, she spent it frivolously. I was hoping I could count on a bit of a nest egg when I returned home, but not from this particular blessing; but believe me, I am hoping for something more. However, she did remind me that I liked to spend her money just as quickly, and unlike her, I would have nothing to show for it, if you know what I mean. However we are working together on this issue and trying to determine how to best manage our money when I am back. She's a great at creating budgets, we just aren't great at adhering to them. Please pray for us both and if you can spare us some of your goodwill, we'd appreciate it as well.


God Bless!

Drafted August 23, 2007

Edited and posted by Julie



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