Monday, August 27, 2007

Life ebbs and flows

Since I have finally received the reading material I have been requesting from my fiancee and friends over the summer, I have been doing a lot of studying and reflection. My intense studies coupled with my solitary state have resulted in all of this material having a profound effect on me. I am especially fascinated with people's positive accomplishment and really infatuated with the conceptualization and creation of the Great Pyramids of Giza. I find all of this slightly intimidating, but I am up to the challenge of learning and studying and making a wonderfully positive contribution to this world in my own right.

But, really, this seems daunting because as most of us discover, the more we learn, the more that we learn that we do not know. But at least I am putting this time to good use; it seems that my downfall has served me well for a change.



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