Absent In Our History Books
Why wasn’t I taught in school that civilization came from Africa, Abyssinia, Kosh and Cemet? That it was the Greeks that went to Egypt and stole their ideas, concepts and philosophy and spread it around the world? They co-opted ideas borne in Africa and accidentally or intentionally imprinted their culture perspective. Why didn’t anyone share this knowledge with me in my history classes in school?
Why wasn’t I told that the Caduceus (two snakes intertwined that represent the medical profession) is from my people? As are the pyramid on the dollar bill, the “Eye on Horus” at the top, the oblisk in Washington and the “Eagle” as American symbol was taken from the Egyptians? Why wasn’t I taught that Africa is the Motherland and that the Black Man is the “Father” of all men?
I was taught about Anne Frank, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and others of European descent. I wasn’t taught the truth about me or my people, nor our contribution to the current advanced stage that we currently reside. I was taught how to “Pledge Allegiance to the U.S. Flag”, but never taught about how all men, all civilization and all life came from Africa. The realization of this angered me over the years. So when people perceive me as hostile, my hostility arises from knowing so many are intentionally kept ignorant in the effort to protect the status-quo.
Labels: Don't overlook our contributions, which were considerable
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