Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"The scoop on this latest scenario"

I paroled on December 3, 2009, and for 30 days I stuck to my strategy and plans to re-integrate back into mainstream society. I was really motivated and I sought counseling, attended support groups, enrolled in school and I stayed away from cocaine, but not drugs altogether, and so I tried to replace crack with alcohol, and temporarily that became my drug of choice. And since I was unhappy with both myself and my life overall, I decided instead of addressing my whole-host of problems, I allowed my co-dependence to rear its ugly head again and I began exhibiting controlling and smothering behavior towards those around me, especially Julie.

So my drinking spiraled out of control and one night in January after an argument, I went binge drinking, ran into an acquaintance whom just happened to have some weed, and he shared his with me and while I was smoking, I knew I was back on a very tenuous track. And now, consciously or unconsciously, I knew this was going to lead me back to that evil that is known as "crack". I knew it was over right then. My fate was going to take me back to the same-ole, same-ole patterns of behavior. From that moment on, I concluded I was doomed.



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